Nosmas Imports and Suppliers is a registered company with the Registrars of Companies act cap 388 of the laws of Zambia since 2002 and was then Incorporated and expanded into a Limited company on the 17th June 2009. It has been successfully growing from strength to strength since with 2 offices in Lusaka's Town centre and 1 branch in Choma.
Contact Us Nosmas Imports and Suppliers Limited operates as a legal entity with the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the corporate policies, business and financial decisions and initiatives concerning the management and profitability of the company.
CEO- Mr. Sam Machobani
Cell- 0977 824832 | 0967 824832 | 0950 228241
Telephone- +260-211-232779 | +260-211-235625
Nosmas Imports and Suppliers Limited is managed by honest humble members of staff. The company employs the services of an experienced and professional accountant to ensure efficient financial management, including the preparation of accounts for taxation, cashflow forcasts and other Annual accounts for public or investor interests.
Download a PDF version of the Nosmas Limited Company Profile.